Give the people what they want...

Give the people what they want...

It’s been a busy few weeks for us here at Troupe and we are both having to learn new ways to juggle the family/work balance.  This is particularly difficult when winter bugs and the like decide to take down the smaller members of our troupe momentarily.  But like one of our favourite sayings…its times like these a mumma just has to “Toss your hair in a bun, drink some coffee, put on some gangsta rap and handle it!”

On a happy note our hooded towels are doing great and we have been so flattered with the fantastic feedback.  It’s great to hear how happy people are with the softness and quality of the towels.  We are also happy to hear that we have got the sizing right and that they are nice and generous (like we had planned!).

We seem to be on a bit of a roll with Mel’s “go to” recipes at the moment – it turns out there is many a mum out there looking for quick, healthy and yummy recipes to help keep the kids (and the husbands) tummy’s full.  So rather than change it we thought we would keep them coming and give the people what they want!

With this cooler weather you can’t beat a good old risotto!  This one is delicious… and super easy… and you don’t have to stand over the stove stirring all night!


Baked Risotto

1 medium onion, finely chopped

2 cloves garlic, crushed

2 Tbsp olive oil

1 cup rice

Rind of 1 lemon

3 cups of chicken stock

½ cup grated strong cheese (like parmesan)

Salt and pepper


Heat oven to 190C

In large frypan, saute the onion and garlic until they are lightly golden.

Add the rice and lemon rind and keep toasting until the rice is coated.

Add the stock and stir.

Put into baking or casserole dish and cover well.

Cook for 30 minutes.

Stir in cheese and salt and pepper. If you want to make is particularly creamy add a dollop of butter at the end and stir.

Add any of other ingredients to the cooked risotto including cooked chicken, mushrooms, crispy bacon, sundried tomato, baby spinach leaves, peas etc to make different flavours.

Original Source: Andrea Holmes, The Wadestown Kitchen.



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